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New Jersey Science Olympiad - NJIT Regional
Date: Thursday January 5, 2023
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ

Campus Map and Driving Directions

Complete Tournament Results

Division B
Division C
Overall Results
1st: Hillsborough MS
2nd: Dwight-Englewood School (MS)
3rd: Montgomery Upper MS
4th: Glenfield MS
5th: Tenakill MS
6th: Churchill Jr HS
Overall Results
1st: Hillsborough HS
2nd: Biotechnology HS
3rd: Millburn HS
4th: Bergen County Academies (HS)
5th: Montville Twp HS
6th: Dwight-Englewood School (HS)
Anatomy & Physiology
1st: Hillsborough MS
2nd: Churchill Jr HS
3rd: Montgomery Upper MS
4th: Tenakill MS
5th: Glenfield MS
6th: Dwight-Englewood School (MS)
Anatomy & Physiology
1st: Biotechnology HS
2nd: Academy for Health & Medical Science (HS)
3rd: Hillsborough HS
4th: Parsippany Hills HS
5th: High Technology HS
6th: Manalapan HS
1st: Hillsborough MS
2nd: Tenakill MS
3rd: Robert R. Lazar MS
4th: Hoboken Dual Language Charter School (MS)
5th: Rising Star Academy (MS)
6th: Glenfield MS
1st: Hillsborough HS
2nd: Millburn HS
3rd: Biotechnology HS
4th: Montville Twp HS
5th: Bergen County Academies (HS)
6th: Morris Hills HS
Can't Judge a Powder
1st: Hillsborough MS
2nd: Dwight-Englewood School (MS)
3rd: Rising Star Academy (MS)
4th: Churchill Jr HS
5th: Robert R. Lazar MS
6th: Montgomery Upper MS
1st: Bergen County Technical HS Teterboro
2nd: Hillsborough HS
3rd: Applied Technology HS
4th: Mendham HS
5th: Al-Ghazaly HS
6th: Rising Star Academy (HS)
Crime Busters
1st: Robert R. Lazar MS
2nd: Glenfield MS
3rd: Maria L. Varisco-Rogers Charter School (MS)
4th: Buzz Aldrin MS
5th: Rising Star Academy (MS)
6th: Hillsborough MS
Chemistry Lab
1st: Dwight-Englewood School (HS)
2nd: Hillsborough HS
3rd: High Technology HS
4th: Biotechnology HS
5th: Bergen County Academies (HS)
6th: Morris Hills HS
Fast Facts
1st: Hillsborough MS
2nd: Churchill Jr HS
3rd: Tenakill MS
4th: Montgomery Upper MS
5th: Glenfield MS
6th: Dwight-Englewood School (MS)

1st: Bergen County Academies (HS)
2nd: Hillsborough HS
3rd: High Technology HS
4th: Millburn HS
5th: Dwight-Englewood School (HS)
6th: Parsippany Hills HS

Green Generation
1st: Dwight-Englewood School (MS)
2nd: Glenfield MS
3rd: Churchill Jr HS
4th: Robert R. Lazar MS
5th: Tenakill MS
6th: Montgomery Upper MS
Disease Detective
1st: High Technology HS
2nd: Hillsborough HS
3rd: Mountain Lakes HS
4th: Montville Twp HS
5th: Bergen County Academies (HS)
6th: Millburn HS
1st: Churchill Jr HS
2nd: Montgomery Upper MS
3rd: Buzz Aldrin MS
4th: Glenfield MS
5th: Hillsborough MS
6th: Dwight-Englewood School (MS)
Fermi Questions
1st: Millburn HS
2nd: Dwight-Englewood School (HS)
3rd: Hillsborough HS
4th: Academy for Health & Medical Science (HS)
5th: Morris Hills HS
6th: Montville Twp HS
Road Scholar
1st: Glenfield MS
2nd: Hillsborough MS
3rd: Dwight-Englewood School (MS)
4th: Tenakill MS
5th: Hoboken Dual Language Charter School (MS)
6th: Montgomery Upper MS
1st: Bergen County Academies (HS)
2nd: Hillsborough HS
3rd: Biotechnology HS
4th: Northern Highlands Regional HS
5th: Parsippany Hills HS
6th: Dwight-Englewood School (HS)
Rocks and Minerals
1st: Hillsborough MS
2nd: Al-Ghazaly Jr HS (MS)
3rd: Robert R. Lazar MS
4th: Montgomery Upper MS
5th: Carl H. Kumpf MS
6th: Hoboken Dual Language Charter School (MS)
Green Generation
1st: Millburn HS
2nd: Biotechnology HS
3rd: Bergen County Academies (HS)
4th: Montville Twp HS
5th: Hillsborough HS
6th: Dwight-Englewood School (HS)
Roller Coaster
1st: Montgomery Upper MS
2nd: Churchill Jr HS
3rd: Carl H. Kumpf MS
4th: Hillsborough MS
5th: Dwight-Englewood School (MS)
6th: Rising Star Academy (MS)
Remote Sensing
1st: Millburn HS
2nd: Montville Twp HS
3rd: Hillsborough HS
4th: Northern Highlands Regional HS
5th: Biotechnology HS
6th: Bergen County Technical HS Teterboro
Solar System
1st: Buzz Aldrin MS
2nd: Montgomery Upper MS
3rd: Dwight-Englewood School (MS)
4th: Tenakill MS
5th: Churchill Jr HS
6th: Hillsborough MS
1st: Hillsborough HS
2nd: Millburn HS
3rd: Rising Star Academy (HS)
4th: High Technology HS
5th: Montville Twp HS
6th: Applied Technology HS
Wheeled Vehicle
1st: Rising Star Academy (MS)
2nd: Hoboken Dual Language Charter School (MS)
3rd: Tenakill MS
4th: Al-Ghazaly Jr HS (MS)
5th: Glenfield MS
6th: Carl H. Kumpf MS
Write It - Do It
1st: Academy for Health & Medical Science (HS)
2nd: Bergen County Technical HS Teterboro
3rd: Sparta HS
4th: Biotechnology HS
5th: Mountain Lakes HS
6th: Montville Twp HS


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