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New Jersey Science Olympiad - Virtual State Finals Tournament
Competition Dates: April 13-15, 2021
Competition hosted virtually at https://scilympiad.com/nj

Awards Slideshows

Division B: https://youtu.be/VKFpNWeutzs

Division C: https://youtu.be/GdEN8-j_9yM

Program Book

Complete Tournament Results

Division B
Division C

Overall Tournament Results
1st: Community MS
2nd: Thomas Grover MS
3rd: Montgomery Upper MS
4th: Churchill Jr HS (MS)
5th: Crossroads South MS
6th: Al-Ghazaly Jr HS (MS)
7th: Crossroads North MS
8th: Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School (MS)
9th: Hillsborough MS
10th: Glenfield MS

Overall Tournament Results
1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
3rd: Hillsborough HS
4th: Montgomery HS
5th: Middlesex Co Academy for Sci, Math & Eng Tech (HS)
6th: J.P. Stevens HS
7th: South Brunswick HS
8th: East Brunswick HS
9th: Union County Vocational and Technical HS
10th: High Technology HS (Monmouth Co)
Anatomy & Physiology
1st: Community MS
2nd: Thomas Grover MS
3rd: Crossroads North MS
4th: Central Jersey College Prep Charter School (MS)
5th: Haworth Public School (MS)
6th: Heritage MS

Anatomy & Physiology
1st: Montgomery HS
2nd: Hillsborough HS
3rd: Livingston HS
4th: Tenafly HS
5th: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
6th: Academy for Health and Medical Sciences (HS)

Circuit Lab
1st: Community MS
2nd: Chapin School (MS)
3rd: Montgomery Upper MS
4th: Crossroads North MS
5th: Thomas Grover MS
6th: Crossroads South MS
1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
2nd: Hillsborough HS
3rd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
4th: Montgomery HS
5th: Princeton International School of Math & Science (HS)
6th: J.P. Stevens HS
Crime Busters
1st: Community MS
2nd: Noor-Ul-Iman School (MS)
3rd: Montgomery Upper MS
4th: Thomas Grover MS
5th: Crossroads South MS
6th: Crossroads North MS
Chemistry Lab
1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
2nd: Montgomery HS
3rd: Middlesex Co Academy for Sci, Math, & Eng Tech (HS)
4th: J.P. Stevens HS
5th: Princeton International School of Math & Science (HS)
6th: Hillsborough HS
Density Lab
1st: Churchill Jr HS (MS)
2nd: Crossroads North MS
3rd: Al-Ghazaly Jr HS (MS)
4th: Crossroads South MS
5th: Community MS
6th: Thomas Grover MS
Circuit Lab
1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
2nd: Middlesex Co Academy for Sci, Math, & Eng Tech (HS)
3rd: Hillsborough HS
4th: J.P. Stevens HS
5th: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
6th: Montgomery HS
Disease Detectives
1st: Montgomery Upper MS
2nd: Community MS
3rd: Churchill Jr HS (MS)
4th: New Providence MS
5th: Al-Ghazaly Jr HS (MS)
6th: Thomas Grover MS
1st: Hillsborough HS
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
3rd: Middlesex Co Academy for Sci, Math, & Eng Tech (HS)
4th: West Orange HS
5th: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
6th: Cherry Hill HS East
Dynamic Planet
1st: Community MS
2nd: Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School (MS)
3rd: Glenfield MS
4th: Millburn MS
5th: Central Jersey College Prep Charter School (MS)
6th: Hackensack MS
Designer Genes
1st: Hillsborough HS
2nd: Union County Vocational and Technical Schools (HS)
3rd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
4th: East Brunswick HS
5th: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
6th: Middlesex Co Academy for Sci, Math, & Eng Tech (HS)
Experimental Design
1st: Montgomery Upper MS
2nd: Al-Ghazaly Jr HS (MS)
3rd: Thomas Grover MS
4th: Crossroads South MS
5th: Hillsborough MS
6th: Glenfield MS
Disease Detectives
1st: Livingston HS
2nd: East Brunswick HS
3rd: Montgomery HS
4th: South Brunswick HS
5th: Princeton Day School (HS)
6th: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
Food Science
1st: Thomas Grover MS
2nd: Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School (MS)
3rd: Churchill Jr HS (MS)
4th: Crossroads South MS
5th: Chapin School (MS)
6th: Voorhees MS
Dynamic Planet
1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
2nd: J.P. Stevens HS
3rd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
4th: East Brunswick HS
5th: Montgomery HS
6th: Livingston HS
1st: Community MS
2nd: Voorhees MS
3rd: Haworth Public School (MS)
4th: Hammarskjold MS
5th: Thomas Grover MS
6th: Al-Ghazaly Jr HS (MS)
Experimental Design
1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
3rd: Montgomery HS
4th: Livingston HS
5th: Princeton Day School (HS)
6th: Middlesex Co Academy for Sci, Math, & Eng Tech (HS)
Game On
1st: Montgomery Upper MS
2nd: Community MS
3rd: Al-Ghazaly Jr HS (MS)
4th: Thomas Grover MS
5th: HoLa Hoboken Dual Language Charter School (MS)
6th: Churchill Jr HS (MS)
1st: South Brunswick HS
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
3rd: Montgomery HS
4th: Hillsborough HS
5th: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
6th: Middlesex Co Academy for Sci, Math, & Eng Tech (HS)
1st: Community MS
2nd: Buzz Aldrin MS
3rd: Crossroads South MS
4th: Churchill Jr HS (MS)
5th: Hammarskjold MS
6th: Thomas Grover MS
1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
3rd: Princeton HS
4th: Princeton Day School (HS)
5th: Hillsborough HS
6th: Montgomery HS
1st: Community MS
2nd: Hillsborough MS
3rd: Churchill Jr HS (MS)
4th: Montgomery Upper MS
5th: Crossroads South MS
6th: Thomas Grover MS
GeoLogic Mapping
1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
3rd: J.P. Stevens HS
4th: Montgomery HS
5th: Millburn HS
6th: Hillsborough HS
1st: Thomas Grover MS
2nd: Community MS
3rd: Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School (MS)
4th: Heritage MS
5th: Churchill Jr HS (MS)
6th: Crossroads North MS
1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
3rd: Montgomery HS
4th: Middlesex Co Academy for Sci, Math, & Eng Tech (HS)
5th: Princeton HS
6th: Hillsborough HS
1st: Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School (MS)
2nd: Community MS
3rd: Al-Ghazaly Jr HS (MS)
4th: Central Jersey College Prep Charter School (MS)
5th: Churchill Jr HS (MS)
6th: Montgomery Upper MS
1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
2nd: Montgomery HS
3rd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
4th: J.P. Stevens HS
5th: Hillsborough HS
6th: Golda Och Academy (HS)
Reach for the Stars
1st: Community MS
2nd: Thomas Grover MS
3rd: Al-Ghazaly Jr HS (MS)
4th: Montgomery Upper MS
5th: Crossroads North MS
6th: Churchill Jr HS (MS)
Protein Modeling
1st: Hillsborough HS
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
3rd: South Brunswick HS
4th: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
5th: Eastern Camden County Regional HS
6th: Middlesex Co Academy for Sci, Math, & Eng Tech (HS)
Road Scholar
1st: Community MS
2nd: Churchill Jr HS (MS)
3rd: William R. Satz MS
4th: Thomas Grover MS
5th: Montgomery Upper MS
6th: Tenafly MS
Sounds of Music
1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
3rd: South Brunswick HS
4th: Montgomery HS
5th: Middlesex Co Academy for Sci, Math, & Eng Tech (HS)
6th: Biotechnology HS
Water Quality
1st: Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School (MS)
2nd: Community MS
3rd: Churchill Jr HS (MS)
4th: Montgomery Upper MS
5th: Heritage MS
6th: Crossroads South MS
Water Quality
1st: Robbinsville HS
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
3rd: Livingston HS
4th: High Technology HS (Monmouth Co)
5th: Mendham HS
6th: East Brunswick HS


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