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New Jersey Science Olympiad - Moorestown Elementary Tournament
Date: Saturday May 14, 2016
Moorestown Friends School, Moorestown, NJ

1st Place: Baytul-Iman Academy
2nd Place: Moorestown Friends School Team #1
3rd Place: Chesterfield Elementary School

Moorestown Friends School
110 E Main Street
Moorestown, NJ 08057

Contact person:
Barbara Q. Kreider, Ph.D.
Chairperson, Science Department
Moorestown Friends School

The NJ ESO Moorestown Friends Tournament follows all the rules, objectives & material suggestions set out by the National Science Olympiad in the Elementary Science Olympiad "Competitive Tournament Rules Manual." This may be found at the National Science Olympiad Website @ http://soinc.org/welcome. You may go directly to the store, by following this link @ http://store.soinc.org/c-2-k-12-rules-manuals.aspx . This manual will give you the specific details for each event, plus other important general information.



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