A is for Anatomy |
Each team will view models, slides, and pictures of organs and tissues from the human body. They will identify and explain the function of each. |
Bridge Building |
Each team will test their ability to build a strong, stable,
and reproducible bridge from common materials. |
Can Race |
Each team will construct one single-can racer (before coming to the tournament), which will be raced against the clock in a drag racing format. |
Clay Boats |
Each team will build a boat from clay, launch it and fill it with the greatest number of plastic gram cubes before sinking. |
Crossword Science |
Each team will attempt to complete a crossword puzzle from terms used in typical elementary science books. |
Deep Blue Sea |
Each team will work cooperatively to answer questions and identify ocean flora, and fauna, physical features and phenomena related to marine science. |
Density |
This event is designed to examine the students' basic understanding of the nature of density using blocks of various materials that are square or rectangular. |
Egg Drop |
Raw, grade A medium eggs will be dropped from ever increasing heights into a landing pad/egg catching device. |
Extinction is Forever |
Students will be quizzed on organisms that: have become extinct; or are on the endangered list; or are on the threatened list; or have been removed from such lists and the reasons behind these organisms' extinction or endangered status |
Metric Mastery |
Students will demonstrate an intuitive feeling for estimating and later for measuring different events/objects using S.I. metric units. |
Monster Match |
Students will demonstrate the ability to categorize by identifying similar characteristics. |
Paper Rocket |
Students build and fly a paper rocket from materials that are provided. |
Starry Starry Night |
A team of two (2) students will identify constellations, planets, and other common celestial bodies in our universe. |
Write It Do It |
This event tests a competitor's ability to communicate with a colleague. |