New Jersey Science Olympiad - Moorestown Elementary Tournament
Saturday May 10, 2014
Moorestown Friends School, Moorestown, NJ
Moorestown Friends School
110 E Main Street
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Contact person:
Barbara Q. Kreider, Ph.D.
Chairperson, Science Department
Moorestown Friends School
The NJ ESO Moorestown Friends Tournament follows all the rules, objectives & material suggestions set out by the National Science Olympiad in the Elementary Science Olympiad "Competitive Tournament Rules Manual." This may be found at the National Science Olympiad Website @ You may go directly to the store, by following this link @ . This manual will give you the specific details for each event, plus other important general information.
1st Place: Moorestown Friends School Team #1
2nd Place: Haddonfield Elementary School
3rd Place: Baytul-Iman Academy
Team Numbers
Team Number |
Team Name |
1 |
Rising Star Academy Team #1 |
2 |
Rising Star Academy Team #2 |
3 |
Moorestown Friends School Team #1 |
4 |
Moorestown Friends School Team #2 |
5 |
Baytul-Iman Academy |
6 |
Al-Ghazaly School |
7 |
Ranney School |
8 |
Chesterfield ES Team #1 |
9 |
Noble Leadership Academy |
10 |
Haddonfield ES |
11 |
Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School |
12 |
Paterson Art & Science Charter School |
13 |
Darul Arqam School |
14 |
Mullica Hill Friends |
15 |
Bergen Arts & Science Charter |
16 |
Passaic Arts and Science Charter |
17 |
Chesterfield ES Team #2 |
Tournament Event List
Barge Building |
Each team will construct a barge of aluminum foil that can support a cargo. They will predict the amount of cargo the barge will hold and will load cargo until the barge takes on water. |
Calculator Contest |
Each participant will demonstrate his/her knowledge of problem-solving using a hand-held, non-programmable calculator. |
Can Race |
Each team will construct one single-can racer (before coming to the tournament), which will be raced against the clock in a drag racing format. |
Chopper Challenge |
Contestants will build and test 3 choppers (rotary flying devices) using only the materials provided at the competition. |
Deep Blue Sea |
Each team will work cooperatively to answer questions and identify ocean flora, and fauna, physical features and phenomena related to marine science. |
Don't Bug Me |
The contestants are to distinguish insects from non-insects, identify various body parts, characteristics, habitats, ecological significance, life cycles, and major orders of insects. |
Extinction is Forever |
Students will be quizzed on organisms that: have become extinct; or are on the endangered list; or are on the threatened list; or have been removed from such lists and the reasons behind these organisms’ extinction or endangered status |
Food for Thought |
Groups of students demonstrate knowledge of food groups and additives. |
Mystery Architecture |
Teams of students build the tallest, most stable tower from materials unknown to them prior to the competition. |
Mystery Powders |
A team of two contestants will be asked to identify a mixture of common white household powders. |
No Bones About It |
A team of two (2) students will match each of 10-15 different kinds of bones with an appropriate skeleton or chart of various animals. |
Straw Egg Drop |
Teams of students build a device from soda straws to cradle an egg being dropped from a certain height. |
Tennis Ball Catapult |
Each two-member team will build a device to launch a tennis ball a selected distance from about 2 to 5 meters. |
Water Rockets |
Students will build and launch a 2-liter plastic bottle for maximum time aloft. |
Weather or Not |
This competition will test the students’ knowledge of meteorological terms, techniques, and events. |
Write It/Do It |
This event tests a competitor's ability to communicate with a colleague.
The material used for this event will be LEGO Blocks |