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Science Olympiad, Inc.

New Jersey Science Olympiad - NJIT Regional
Thursday January 17, 2013
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ

Campus Map

Complete Tournament Results

Division B
Division C
Overall Tournament Results
1st Place: Montgomery MS
2nd Place: Heritage MS
3rd Place: Hillsborough MS
4th Place: Roosevelt IS
5th Place: Lazar MS
6th Place: Mendham Twp MS
Overall Tournament Results
1st Place: Livingston HS #1
2nd Place: South Brunswick HS #2
3rd Place: South Brunswick HS #1
4th Place: Millburn HS
5th Place: Bergen County Academies #1
6th Place: Livingston HS #2
1st Place: Lazar MS
2nd Place: Montgomery MS
3rd Place: Glenfield MS
4th Place: Eisenhower MS
5th Place: Roosevelt IS
6th Place: Heritage MS
Anatomy & Physiology
1st Place: Hillsborough HS
2nd Place: Livingston HS #1
3rd Place: South Brunswick HS #1
4th Place: South Brunswick HS #2
5th Place: Sparta HS
6th Place: Bergen County Academies #2
Biology Blitz
1st Place: Lazar MS
2nd Place: Montgomery MS
3rd Place: Eisenhower MS
4th Place: Timberlane MS
5th Place: Roosevelt IS
6th Place: Hillsborough MS
1st Place: Livingston HS #1
2nd Place: South Brunswick HS #1
3rd Place: Bergen County Academies #1
4th Place: Millburn HS
5th Place: Livingston HS #2
6th Place: Al-Ghazaly HS
1st Place: Heritage MS
2nd Place: Mt Olive MS
3rd Place: Bergen Arts & Sciences #1
4th Place: Rennaissance MS
5th Place: Pioneer Academy of Science
6th Place: Mendham Twp MS
1st Place: Livingston HS #1
2nd Place: South Brunswick HS #1
3rd Place: Al-Ghazaly HS
4th Place: Sparta HS
5th Place: Millburn HS
6th Place: South Brunswick HS #2
Disease Detective
1st Place: Kent Place School
2nd Place: Montgomery MS
3rd Place: Heritage MS
4th Place: Rising Star Academy
5th Place: Eisenhower MS
6th Place: Roosevelt IS
Circuit Lab
1st Place: West Morris-Central HS
2nd Place: Millburn HS
3rd Place: Hillsborough HS
4th Place: South Brunswick HS #2
5th Place: Livingston HS #1
6th Place: Bergen County Academies #1
Dynamic Planet
1st Place: Lazar MS
2nd Place: Montgomery MS
3rd Place: Hillsborough MS
4th Place: Heritage MS
5th Place: Roosevelt IS
6th Place: Timberlane MS
Disease Detective
1st Place: Livingston HS #2
2nd Place: Bergen County Academies #2
3rd Place: Hillsborough HS
4th Place: Bergen County Academies #1
5th Place: West Essex Regional HS
6th Place: Mendham HS #1
Experimental Design
1st Place: Heritage MS
2nd Place: Mt Olive MS
3rd Place: Montgomery MS
4th Place: Mendham Twp MS
5th Place: Bergen Arts & Sciences #1
6th Place: Glenfield MS
Dynamic Planet
1st Place: Millburn HS
2nd Place: South Brunswick HS #2
3rd Place: Hopewell Valley Central HS
4th Place: West Morris-Central HS
5th Place: Pascack Hills HS
6th Place: Bergen County Academies #1
1st Place: Montgomery MS
2nd Place: Hillsborough MS
3rd Place: Mendham Twp MS
4th Place: Rising Star Academy
5th Place: Heritage MS
6th Place: Glenfield MS
Elastic Launched Glider
1st Place: South Brunswick HS #2
2nd Place: South Brunswick HS #1
3rd Place: Al-Ghazaly HS
4th Place: Hopewell Valley Central HS
5th Place: Rising Star Academy
6th Place: Al-Minhaal Academy
Mission Possible
1st Place: Montgomery MS
2nd Place: Mt Olive MS
3rd Place: Mendham Twp MS
4th Place: Roosevelt IS
5th Place: Glenfield MS
6th Place: Hillsborough MS
Epidemiology Challenge
1st Place: Livingston HS #1
2nd Place: South Brunswick HS #2
3rd Place: Millburn HS
4th Place: Bergen County Academies #1
5th Place: Hillsborough HS
6th Place: Al-Minhaal Academy
Mousetrap Vehicle
1st Place: Rennaissance MS
2nd Place: Timberlane MS
3rd Place: Heritage MS
4th Place: Eisenhower MS
5th Place: Hillsborough MS
6th Place: Pioneer Academy of Science
Experimental Design
1st Place: Livingston HS #1
2nd Place: Bergen County Academies #1
3rd Place: South Brunswick HS #2
4th Place: Mendham HS #1
5th Place: South Brunswick HS #1
6th Place: Al-Minhaal Academy
Reach for the Stars
1st Place: Lazar MS
2nd Place: Eisenhower MS
3rd Place: Glenfield MS
4th Place: Hillsborough MS
5th Place: Rising Star Academy
6th Place: Montgomery MS
Gravity Vehicle
1st Place: Livingston HS #1
2nd Place: South Brunswick HS #1
3rd Place: Sparta HS
4th Place: South Brunswick HS #2
5th Place: Golda Ochs Academy
6th Place: Livingston HS #2
Rocks and Minerals
1st Place: Rising Star Academy
2nd Place: Montgomery MS
3rd Place: Lazar MS
4th Place: Heritage MS
5th Place: Hillsborough MS
6th Place: Kent Place School
Rocks and Minerals
1st Place: Al-Ghazaly HS
2nd Place: Rising Star Academy
3rd Place: Al-Minhaal Academy
4th Place: Livingston HS #1
5th Place: Livingston HS #2
6th Place: South Brunswick HS #2
Shock Value
1st Place: Mt Olive MS
2nd Place: Montgomery MS
3rd Place: Randolph MS
4th Place: Rennaissance MS
5th Place: Roosevelt IS
6th Place: Mendham Twp MS
1st Place: South Brunswick HS #2
2nd Place: Bergen County Academies #1
3rd Place: Millburn HS
4th Place: Al-Ghazaly HS
5th Place: South Brunswick HS #1
6th Place: Livingston HS #1
Write It / Do It
1st Place: Heritage MS
2nd Place: Kent Place School
3rd Place: Rahway Academy
4th Place: Bergen Arts & Sciences #1
5th Place: Mendham Twp MS
6th Place: Roosevelt IS
Write It / Do It
1st Place: Livingston HS #1
2nd Place: Rising Star Academy
3rd Place: Hillsborough HS
4th Place: Mendham HS #1
5th Place: Livingston HS #2
6th Place: Bergen County Academies #1





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