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New Jersey Science Olympiad - NJIT Regional
Thursday January 12, 2012
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ

Complete Tournament Results

Division B
Division C
Overall Results
1st: Montgomery MS
2nd: Thomas R. Grover MS
3rd: Randolph MS
4th: Livingston MS
5th: Lazar MS #1
6th: Central Jersey College Prep
Overall Results
1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South #1
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South #2
3rd: Livingston HS #2
4th: Livingston HS #1
5th: Bergen County Academies #2
6th: Al-Ghazaly HS
1st: Montgomery MS
2nd: Livingston MS
3rd: Thomas R. Grover MS
4th: Lazar MS #1
5th: Lazar MS #2
6th: Haworth Public School
1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South #1
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South #2
3rd: Millburn HS
4th: Livingston HS #1
5th: Hopewell Valley Central HS
6th: Bergen County Academies #2
Biology Blitz (trial event)
1st: Montgomery MS
2nd: Lazar MS #1
3rd: Lazar MS #2
4th: Glenfield MS
5th: Mt Olive MS
6th: Thomas R. Grover MS
Disease Detective
1st: Bergen County Academies #2
2nd: Al-Ghazaly HS
3rd: J.P. Stevens HS
4th: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South #1
5th: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South #2
6th: Mendham HS
Compute This
1st: Randolph MS
2nd: Mount Hebron MS
3rd: Montgomery MS
4th: Lazar MS #1
5th: Avon ES
6th: Central Jersey College Prep
Dynamic Planet
1st: Randolph HS
2nd: Sparta HS
3rd: Mendham HS
4th: Bergen County Academies #2
5th: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South #2
6th: Al-Ghazaly HS
Disease Detective
1st: Montgomery MS
2nd: Livingston MS
3rd: Rising Star Academy
4th: Mount Hebron MS
5th: Randolph MS
6th: Thomas R. Grover MS
Epidemiology Challenge (trial event)
1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South #1
2nd: Bergen County Academies #2
3rd: Livingston HS #1
4th: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South #2
5th: Bergen County Academies #2
6th: Livingston HS #2
Dynamic Planet
1st: Montgomery MS
2nd: Eisenhower MS
3rd: Mt Olive MS
4th: Mount Hebron MS
5th: Lazar MS #1
6th: Glenfield MS
Experimental Design
1st: Al-Ghazaly HS
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South #1
3rd: Livingston HS #1
4th: Livingston HS #2
5th: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South #2
6th: Al-Minhaal Academy
Experimental Design
1st: Glenfield MS
2nd: Montgomery MS
3rd: Thomas R. Grover MS
4th: Mount Hebron MS
5th: Eisenhower MS
6th: Lazar MS #2
1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South #1
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South #2
3rd: Millburn HS
4th: Al-Minhaal Academy
5th: Sparta HS
6th: Livingston HS #1
Mission Possible
1st: Rising Star Academy
2nd: Livingston MS
3rd: Lazar MS #2
4th: Randolph MS
5th: Mt Olive MS
6th: Mount Hebron MS
1st: Millburn HS
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South #1
3rd: Livingston HS #1
4th: Bergen County Academies #2
5th: Christian Brothers Academy
6th: West Essex Regional HS
Mousetrap Vehicle
1st: Mt Olive MS
2nd: Central Jersey College Prep
3rd: Waterfront Montessori School
4th: Roosevelt IS
5th: Livingston MS
6th: Mount Hebron MS
Protein Modeling
1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South #1
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South #2
3rd: Bergen County Academies #1
4th: Al-Ghazaly HS
5th: Randolph HS
6th: Livingston HS #1
1st: Thomas R. Grover MS
2nd: Montgomery MS
3rd: Randolph MS
4th: Livingston MS
5th: Central Jersey College Prep
6th: Mt Olive MS
Rocks & Minerals
1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South #2
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South #1
3rd: Sparta HS
4th: Livingston HS #2
5th: Randolph HS
6th: Al-Ghazaly HS
Reach for the Stars
1st: Montgomery MS
2nd: Thomas R. Grover MS
3rd: Randolph MS
4th: Glenfield MS
5th: Lazar MS #1
6th: Eisenhower MS
Sounds of Music
1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South #2
2nd: J.P. Stevens HS
3rd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South #1
4th: Mendham HS
5th: Sparta HS
6th: Livingston HS #2
Rocks & Minerals
1st: Rising Star Academy
2nd: Montgomery MS
3rd: Lazar MS #2
4th: Thomas R. Grover MS
5th: Livingston MS
6th: Randolph MS
1st: Livingston HS #1
2nd: J.P. Stevens HS
3rd: Millburn HS
4th: Livingston HS #2
5th: Randolph HS
6th: West Essex
1st: Montgomery MS
2nd: Central Jersey College Prep
3rd: Thomas R. Grover MS
4th: Mount Hebron MS
5th: Randolph MS
6th: Rising Star Academy
1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South #2
2nd: Livingston HS #2
3rd: Livingston HS #1
4th: Sparta HS
5th: J.P. Stevens HS
6th: Mendham HS
Write It / Do It
1st: Central Jersey College Prep
2nd: Livingston MS
3rd: Montgomery MS
4th: Roosevelt IS
5th: Avon ES
6th: Thomas R. Grover MS
Write It / Do It
1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South #1
2nd: J.P. Stevens HS
3rd: Livingston HS #2
4th: Livingston HS #1
5th: Bergen County Academies #2
6th: Randolph HS




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