Barge Buliding |
Each member will construct a barge of aluminum foil that can support the largest amount of cargo without getting it wet. |
Bottle Music |
A three person team will tune a set of bottles by filling them too different levels with water and blow across them to play two different tunes. |
Can Race |
Each team of two students will construct one can racer before coming to the Olympiad which will be raced against the clock in a drag racing format. |
Chopper Challenge |
Teams of two will build and test three choppers (rotary devices) |
Crime Busters |
Each team will test mystery powders, match fingerprints and use chromatography to identify a forged check found at a crime scene. |
Food For Thought |
Groups of students demonstrate knowledge of food groups and additives. |
Grasp a Graph |
The objective is to develop the skills of collecting and organizing information using pictographs, bar, line and pie graphs to solve problems. |
Mystery Architecture |
Teams of students build the tallest, most stable tower from materials given them at the Competition. |
No Bones About It |
A team of two (2) students will match each of 10-15 different kinds of bones with an appropriate skeleton or chart of various animals. |
Science Jeopardy |
Contestants choose a category and a level of difficulty from the game board and view and listen to an answer to a question. The first team to respond with an appropriate question for the answer will be awarded points and will choose the next topic and level. |
Straw Egg Drop |
Teams of students build a device from soda straws to cradle an egg being dropped from a certain height. |
Tennis Ball Catapult |
Each two-member team will build a device to launch a tennis ball a selected distance from about 2 to 5 meters. |
Which Way Is North |
Teams of up to two students will attempt to navigate themselves around a state road map. |
Write It Do It |
This event tests a competitor's ability to communicate with a colleague. (K'Nex will be used for this event) |