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New Jersey Science Olympiad - Princeton University Regional
Thursday January 8, 2009
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ

Full Tournament Results

Event Results

Division B
Division C
Overall Results
1st - Community MS
2nd - Churchill Jr HS
3rd - Thomas R. Grover MS
4th - Montgomery MS
5th - Ranney School
6th - South Hunterdon Reg MS
7th - New Providence MS
8th - Hillsborough MS
Overall Results
1st - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
2nd - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
3rd - Princeton HS
4th - Montgomery HS
5th - South Brunswick HS
6th - Bridgewater-Raritan HS
7th - East Brunswick HS
8th - Freehold HS
Biology Blitz
1st - Community MS
2nd - Montgomery MS
3rd - Hammarskjold MS
4th - Churchill Jr HS
5th - New Providence MS
6th - Summit MS
7th - South Hunterdon Reg MS
8th - Ranney School
Cell Biology
1st - Bridgewater-Raritan HS
2nd - South Brunswick HS
3rd - East Brunswick HS
4th - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
5th - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
6th - Freehold HS
7th - Princeton HS
8th - Hillsborough HS

Bio-Process Lab
1st - Community MS
2nd - Ranney School
3rd - New Providence MS
4th - Churchill Jr HS
5th - Lazar MS
6th - Montgomery MS
7th - Timberlane MS
8th - Hillsborough MS

Chemistry Lab
1st - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
2nd - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
3rd - Princeton HS
4th - South Brunswick HS
5th - Princeton Day School
6th - Montgomery HS
7th - Spotswood HS
8th - East Brunswick HS
Crave the Wave
1st - William R. Satz MS
2nd - Community MS
3rd - Pond Road MS
4th - Montgomery MS
5th - Churchill Jr HS
6th - Thomas R. Grover MS
7th - New Providence MS
8th - Hammarskjold MS
Disease Detectives
1st - Montgomery HS
2nd - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
3rd - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
4th - South Brunswick HS
5th - East Brunswick HS
6th - High Point Regional HS
7th - Princeton HS
8th - Ranney School
Disease Detectives
1st - Thomas R. Grover MS
2nd - Community MS
3rd - Montgomery MS
4th - New Providence MS
5th - Lazar MS
6th - Pond Road MS
7th - Darul Arqam School
8th - Ranney School
Dynamic Planet
1st - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
2nd - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
3rd - Hillsborough HS
4th - Bridgewater-Raritan HS
5th - Montgomery HS
6th - East Brunswick HS
7th - Princeton HS
8th - High Point Regional HS
Dynamic Planet
1st - Thomas R. Grover MS
2nd - Churchill Jr HS
3rd - New Providence MS
4th - Community MS
5th - Summit MS
6th - Hillsborough MS
7th - Montgomery MS
8th - South Hunterdon Reg MS
1st - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
2nd - South Brunswick HS
3rd - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
4th - Bridgewater-Raritan HS
5th - Princeton Day School
6th - Princeton HS
7th - Montgomery HS
8th - Seneca HS
1st - Community MS
2nd - Churchill Jr HS
3rd - Montgomery MS
4th - South Hunterdon Reg MS
5th - Ranney School
6th - Lazar MS
7th - Thomas R. Grover MS
8th - Hillsborough MS
Electric Vehicle
1st - Montgomery HS
2nd - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
3rd - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
4th - Hillsborough HS
5th - Bridgewater-Raritan HS
6th - Ranney School
7th - Freehold HS
8th - Princeton HS
Elevated Bridge
1st - Community MS
2nd - Cinnaminson MS
3rd - Churchill Jr HS
4th - Thomas R. Grover MS
5th - Ranney School
6th - William R. Satz MS
7th - Pond Road MS
8th - Summit MS
Elevated Bridge
1st - East Brunswick HS
2nd - Montgomery HS
3rd - Freehold HS
4th - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
5th - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
6th - Hillsborough HS
7th - Bridgewater-Raritan HS
8th - Princeton HS
Environmental Chemistry
1st - Hillsborough MS
2nd - Christian Homeschoolers
3rd - Churchill Jr HS
4th - Summit MS
5th - William R. Satz MS
6th - Community MS
7th - New Providence MS
8th - Lazar MS
Environmental Chemistry
1st - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
2nd - South Brunswick HS
3rd - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
4th - East Brunswick HS
5th - Princeton HS
6th - Princeton Day School
7th - Freehold HS
8th - Montgomery HS
Experimental Design
1st - Community MS
2nd - Thomas R. Grover MS
3rd - Montgomery MS
4th - Ranney School
5th - South Hunterdon Reg MS
6th - Lazar MS
7th - Churchill Jr HS
8th - Hillsborough MS
Experimental Design
1st - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
2nd - Princeton HS
3rd - Freehold HS
4th - Montgomery HS
5th - Ranney School
6th - South Brunswick HS
7th - Bridgewater-Raritan HS
8th - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
1st - Community MS
2nd - Churchill Jr HS
3rd - Montgomery MS
4th - Thomas R. Grover MS
5th - New Providence MS
6th - Hillsborough MS
7th - Ranney School
8th - The Pennington School
1st - Freehold HS
2nd - Princeton HS
3rd - High Point Regional HS
4th - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
5th - Ranney School
6th - South Hunderdon Regional HS
7th - Spotswood HS
8th - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
Physical Science Lab
1st - Thomas R. Grover MS
2nd - Churchill Jr HS
3rd - Ranney School
4th - Pond Road MS
5th - Lazar MS
6th - New Providence MS
7th - Hammarskjold MS
8th - Community MS
Junkyard Challenge
1st - East Brunswick HS
2nd - South Brunswick HS
3rd - Montgomery HS
4th - Hillsborough HS
5th - Piscataway HS
6th - Princeton HS
7th - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
8th - Freehold HS
Reach for the Stars
1st - Community MS
2nd - Churchill Jr HS
3rd - Montgomery MS
4th - Hammarskjold MS
5th - Ranney School
6th - New Providence MS
7th - Thomas R. Grover MS
8th - Pond Road MS
Picture This
1st - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
2nd - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
3rd - Montgomery HS
4th - Princeton HS
5th - High Point Regional HS
6th - South Brunswick HS
7th - Christian Brothers Academy
8th - Freehold HS
Road Scholar
1st - Community MS
2nd - Montgomery MS
3rd - Churchill Jr HS
4th - Christian Homescholers
5th - Hillsborough MS
6th - Thomas R. Grover MS
7th - Avon Elementary
8th - South Hunterdon Reg MS
Protein Modeling
1st - Bridgewater-Raritan HS
2nd - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
3rd - Princeton HS
4th - East Brunswick HS
5th - South Brunswick HS
6th - Spotswood HS
7th - Montgomery HS
8th - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
1st - Ranney School
2nd - Hillsborough MS
3rd - Darul Arqam School
4th - South Hunterdon Reg MS
5th - Thomas R. Grover MS
6th - Cinnaminson MS
7th - Community MS
8th - William R. Satz MS
Remote Sensing
1st - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
2nd - South Brunswick HS
3rd - Princeton Day School
4th - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
5th - Princeton HS
6th - Bridgewater-Raritan HS
7th - South Hunterdon Regional HS
8th - Montgomery HS
1st - South Hunterdon Reg MS
2nd - Pond Road MS
3rd - Churchill Jr HS
4th - Montgomery MS
5th - Ranney School
6th - Hammarskjold MS
7th - Cinadminson MS
8th - Darul Arqam School
1st - Princeton HS
2nd - Montgomery HS
3rd - Princeton Day School
4th - Freehold HS
5th - Ranney School
6th - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
7th - Piscataway HS
8th - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
Write It - Do It
1st - Hammarskjold MS
2nd - Community MS
3rd - Churchill Jr HS
4th - Ranney School
5th - Pond Road MS
6th - Hillsborough MS
7th - South Hunterdon Reg MS
8th - Avon Elementary
Write It - Do It
1st - Princeton HS
2nd - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
3rd - South Hunterdon Regional HS
4th - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
5th - The Pennington School
6th - Montgomery HS
7th - Christian Brothers Academy
8th - High Point Regional HS




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