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Science Olympiad, Inc.

New Jersey Science Olympiad - Moorestown Elementary Tournament
Saturday May 16, 2009
Moorestown Friends School, Moorestown, NJ

Moorestown Friends School
110 E Main Street
Moorestown, NJ 08057

Contact person:
Barbara Q. Kreider, Ph.D.
Chairperson, Science Department
Moorestown Friends School

Congratulations to all the teams that participated in the May 16th Moorestown Friends School Elementary Science Olympiad tournament and esepcially to the trophy winning teams. Thank you to all the students and coaches for their support of NJ Science Olympiad.

1st Place - Elizabeth Haddon Elementary, Haddonfield, NJ
2nd Place - Moorestown Friends School, Moorestown, NJ
3rd Place - Pioneer Academy ofScience - Clifton, NJ
4th Place - Al-Hikmah Elementary - Prospect Park, NJ
5th Place - Ranney School, Tinton Falls, NJ

2009 Registered Teams

Team #
Team Name
1 Baytul Iman Academy
2 Moorestown Friends School
3 Elizabeth Haddon Elementary
4 Ranney School
5 Al-Ghazaly Elementary
6 Al-Hikmah Elementary
7 Monmouth Academy
8 Pioneer Academy of Science

Events for 2009 Tournament

Barge Building Each team will construct a barge of aluminum foil that can support a cargo. They will predict the amount of cargo the barge will hold and will load cargo until the barge takes on water.
Boggle Science Each team will attempt to locate science words pertaining to a particular subject on a board of 16 letters
Bottle Music Each team will tune a set of bottles by filling them to different levels with water and use them to play two different tunes
Can Racer Each team will construct one single-can racer (before coming to the tournament), which will be raced against the clock in a drag racing format
Chopper Challenge Contestants will build and test 3 choppers (rotary flying devices) using only the materials provided at the competition
Elements, Compounds & Mixtures Each participant will classify materials into one of the three possible categories
Grasp A Graph The objective is to develop the skills of collecting and organizing information using pictographs, bar, line and pie graphs to solve problems
Measurement and Metrics Students will demonstrate an intuitive feeling for estimating and later for measuring different events/objects
Mystery Architecture Teams of students build the tallest, most stable tower from materials unknown to them prior to the competition
Mystery Powders A team of two contestants will be asked to identify a mixture of common white household powders
Rubber Band Catapult ** A team will design and construct a catapult device to shoot a rubber band at a target that is placed within a given range
Science Jeopardy Contestants choose a category and a level of difficulty from the game board and view and listen to an answer to a question. The first team to respond with an appropriate question for the answer will be awarded points and will choose the next topic and level
Straw Egg Drop Teams of students build a device from soda straws to cradle an egg being dropped from a certain height.
Write It/Do It This event tests a competitor's ability to communicate with a colleague

** New event - Replaces Simple Machines


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