Barge Building |
Each member will construct a barge of aluminum foil that can support the largest amount of cargo without getting it wet. (team of 2, 20 minutes) |
Bottle Music |
A three person team will tune a set of bottles by filling them too different levels with water and blow across them to play two different tunes. (team of 3, 20 minutes) |
Can Race |
Each team of two students will construct one can racer before coming to the Olympiad which will be raced against the clock in a drag racing format. (team of 2, 20 minutes) |
Chopper Challenge |
Teams of two will build and test three choppers (rotary devices) (team of 2, 45 minutes) |
Measurements & Metrics |
Students will demonstrate an intuitive feeling for estimating and later for measuring different events/objects. (team of 2, 30 minutes) |
Mystery Architecture
Teams of students build the tallest, most stable tower from materials given them at the Competition. (Using a Tennis Ball) (team of 2, 30 minutes) |
Mystery Powder |
A team of two contestants will be asked to identify a mixture of common white household powders. (team of 2, 20 minutes) |
Pastamobile |
Teams of students build a car using only glue and pasta that, when released from the top of a ramp, will travel the greatest distance within a 1.5m wide lane before stopping. (team of up to 4, 60 minutes) |
Picture This |
This event has teams of 3 students each competing in a contest in which one member draws "clues" for the others to guess a science term or
concept. (team of 3, 5 minutes) |
Science Jeopardy |
Contestants choose a category and a level of difficulty from the game board and view and listen to an answer to a question. The first team to respond with an appropriate question for the answer will be awarded points and will choose the next topic and level. (team of up to 3, 30 minutes) |
Straw Egg Drop |
Each team of students will make a device of straws and masking tape, supplied on-site by the event supervisor to hold a large, raw egg. The device containing the egg will be dropped from fixed height to a target. (team of 2, 45 minutes) |
Write It / Do It |
This event tests a competitor's ability to communicate with a colleague. (team of 2, 25 minutes Write It, 20 minutes Do It) |