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New Jersey Science Olympiad - NJIT Regional
Thursday January 11, 2007
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ

NJIT Regional Complete Results

Regional Tournaments Photo Album

Division B
Division C

Overall Results:

1st: Pioneer Academy of Science (North)
2nd: Mt Hebron MS
3rd: Ranney School
4th: Mendham Twp MS
5th: Dwight D Eisenhower MS
6th: Lazar MS
7th: Sparta MS
8th: Mt Olive MS
9th: Glenfield MS
10th: The Renaissance School

Overall Results:

1st: Livingston HS
2nd: Montville Twp HS
3rd: Bergen County Academy
4th: West Morris-Mendham HS
5th: Morristown HS
6th: Governor Livingston HS
7th: Millburn HS
8th: Montclair HS
9th: Union County Vo-Tech HS
10th: Westfield HS



1st: Pioneer Academy of Science (North)
2nd: Mt Hebron MS
3rd: Mendham Twp MS
4th: Rahway MS
5th: Haworth MS
6th: Lazar MS
7th: Mountain View MS
8th: The Renaissance School


1st: Livingston HS
2nd: Morristown HS
3rd: Governor Livingston HS
4th: Union County Vo-Tech HS
5th: Walkill Regional HS
6th: Bergen County Academy
7th: New Providence HS
8th: Millburn HS

Awesome Aquifer:

1st: Sparta MS
2nd: Dwight D Eisenhower MS
3rd: Haworth MS
4th: Glenfield MS
5th: First Avenue School
6th: Mt Hebron MS
7th: Mendham Twp MS
8th: Lazar MS


1st: Livingston HS
2nd: Pioneer Academy of Science (North)
3rd: West Morris-Mendham HS
4th: Montville Twp HS
5th: Morristown HS
6th: Governor Livingston HS
7th: Montclair HS
8th: Union County Vo-Tech HS

Balloon Glider:

1st: Pioneer Academy of Science (North)
2nd: First Avenue School
3rd: Pateson Charter for Sci & Tech
4th: Haworth MS
5th: Mt Olive MS
6th: Randolph MS
7th: Glenfield MS
8th: Mt Hebron MS

Chemistry Lab:

1st: Livingston HS
2nd: West Morris-Mendham HS
3rd: Bergen County Academy
4th: Morristown HS
5th: Governor Livingston HS
6th: Union County Vo-Tech HS
7th: Montville Twp HS
8th: Middlesex HS

Disease Detectives:

1st: Ranney School
2nd: Rahway MS
3rd: Dwight D Eisenhower MS
4th: Pioneer Academy of Science (North)
5th: Lazar MS
6th: Mountain View MS
7th: Sparta MS
8th: Glenfield MS

Circuit Lab:

1st: Livingston HS
2nd: Bergen County Academy
3rd: Montville Twp HS
4th: Union County Vo-Tech HS
5th: Morristown HS
6th: West Morris-Mendham HS
7th: West Morris-Mendham HS
8th: Governor Livingston HS


1st: Mendham Twp MS
2nd: Sparta MS
3rd: Lazar MS
4th: Mt Hebron MS
5th: Ranney School
6th: Mountain View MS
7th: Glenfield MS
8th: Pioneer Academy of Science (North)

Designer Genes:

1st: Montville Twp HS
2nd: Livingston HS
3rd: Bergen County Academy
4th: Governor Livingston HS
5th: Morristown HS
6th: Walkill Regional HS
7th: Westfield HS
8th: Millburn HS

Food Science:

1st: Mt Hebron MS
2nd: Mt Olive MS
3rd: Mendham Twp MS
4th: Pioneer Academy of Science (North)
5th: Dwight D Eisenhower MS
6th: Mountain View MS
7th: Rahway MS
8th: Haworth MS

Disease Detectives:

1st: Montclair HS
2nd: Montville Twp HS
3rd: New Providence HS
4th: Bergen County Academy
5th: Millburn HS
6th: Morristown HS
7th: Governor Livingston HS
8th: Livingston HS


1st: Mendham Twp MS
2nd: Pioneer Academy of Science (North)
3rd: Mt Hebron MS
4th: Lazar MS
5th: The Renaissance School
6th: Glenfield MS
7th: Mt Olive MS
8th: Haworth MS


1st: Livingston HS
2nd: Millburn HS
3rd: Bergen County Academy
4th: Montville Twp HS
5th: West Morris-Mendham HS
6th: Morristown HS
7th: Westfield HS
8th: New Providence HS

Metric Mastery:

1st: Mendham Twp MS
2nd: Randolph MS
3rd: Ranney School
4th: Lazar MS
5th: Glenfield MS
6th: The Renaissance School
7th: Sparta MS
8th: Dwight D Eisenhower MS

Experimental Design:

1st: Montclair HS
2nd: Montville Twp HS
3rd: West Morris-Mendham HS
4th: Pioneer Academy of Science (North)
5th: Middlesex HS
6th: Morristown MS
7th: Governor Livingston HS
8th: Millburn HS

Mission Possible:

1st: Paterson Charter for Sci & Tech
2nd: Pioneer Academy of Science (North)
3rd: The Renaissance School
4th: Glenfield MS
5th: Sparta MS
6th: Ranney School
7th: Dwight D Eisenhower MS
8th: Mendham Twp MS

Physics Lab:

1st: Livingston HS
2nd: Millburn HS
3rd: Morristown HS
4th: West Morris-Mendham HS
5th: West Morris-Mendham HS
6th: Bergen County Academy
7th: Montclair HS
8th: Union County Vo-Tech HS

Rocks & Minerals:

1st: Mendham Twp MS
2nd: Lazar MS
3rd: Haworth MS
4th: The Renaissance School
5th: Mt Hebron MS
6th: Ranney School
7th: Pioneer Academy of Science (North)
8th: Rahway MS

Robot Ramble:

1st: West Morris-Mendham HS
2nd: Pioneer Academy of Science (North)
3rd: Livingston HS
4th: Montville Twp HS
5th: Millburn HS
6th: Westfield HS
7th: Sparta HS
8th: Morristown HS

Simple Machines:

1st: Mt Hebron MS
2nd: Pioneer Academy of Science (North)
3rd: Ranney School
4th: Lazar MS
5th: Mendham Twp MS
6th: Haworth MS
7th: Sparta MS
8th: The Renaissance School

Rocks & Minerals:

1st: West Morris-Mendham HS
2nd: Westfield HS
3rd: Middlesex HS
4th: Bergen County Academy
5th: New Providence HS
6th: Montville Twp HS
7th: West Morris-Mendham HS
8th: Union County Vo-Tech HS

Storm the Castle:

1st: Paterson Charter for Sci & Tech
2nd: Pioneer Academy of Science (North)
3rd: Ranney School
4th: Rahway MS
5th: Randolph MS
6th: Mt Olive MS
7th: The Renaissance School
8th: Mt Hebron MS


1st: Montclair HS
2nd: Union County Vo-Tech HS
3rd: Governor Livingston HS
4th: Livingston HS
5th: Bergen County Academy
6th: Sparta HS
7th: Millburn HS
8th: Westfield HS

Tower Building:

1st: Pioneer Academy of Science (North)
2nd: Randolph MS
3rd: Paterson Charter for Sci & Tech
4th: Glenfield MS
5th: Mt Olive MS
6th: Sparta MS
7th: Lazar MS
8th: Rahway MS

Sounds of Music:

1st: Livingston HS
2nd: Montville Twp HS
3rd: West Morris-Mendham HS
4th: Westfield HS
5th: Bergen County Academy
6th: Governor Livingston HS
7th: Millburn HS
8th: Walkill Regional HS

Wheeled Vehicle:

1st: Pioneer Academy of Science (North)
2nd: Paterson Charter for Sci & Tech
3rd: Mt Olive MS
4th: Dwight D Eisenhower MS
5th: Randolph MS
6th: Ranney School
7th: Mendham Twp MS
8th: Mountain View MS

Wright Stuff:

1st: Sparta HS
2nd: Livingston HS
3rd: Governor Livingston HS
4th: New Providence HS
5th: Union County Vo-Tech HS
6th: Westfield HS
7th: Montville Twp HS
8th: Middlesex HS

Write It, Do It:

1st: Lazar MS
2nd: Dwight D Eisenhower MS
3rd: Glenfield MS
4th: Ranney School
5th: Mt Hebron MS
6th: Mountain View MS
7th: Pioneer Academy of Science (North)
8th: Sparta MS

Write It, Do It:

1st: Bergen County Academy
2nd: Montville Twp HS
3rd: Millburn HS
4th: Livingston HS
5th: Montclair HS
6th: West Morris-Mendham HS
7th: Walkill Regional HS
8th: Westfield HS


Elevated Bridge (trial event):

1st: Randolph MS
2nd: Glenfield MS
3rd: The Renaissance School
4th: Mt Hebron MS
5th: Mendham Twp MS

Protein Modeling (trial event):

1st: Bergen County Academy
2nd: Westfield HS
3rd: New Providence HS
4th: Morristown HS
5th: Orange HS

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