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New Jersey Science Olympiad - Central Regional
Tuesday January 24, 2006
Raritan Valley College, North Branch, NJ

Central Regional Complete Results

Division B

Division C

Overall Results:

1st: Community MS
2nd: Montgomery MS
3rd: Thomas Grover MS
4th: Roosevelt IS
5th: Churchill Jr HS
6th: William R Satz MS
7th: Pond Road MS
8th: South Hunderdon Reg HS (gr 7-9)
9th: Edison IS
10th: Timberlane MS

Overall Results:

1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
3rd: East Brunswick HS
4th: Princeton HS
5th: The Lawrenceville School
6th: Montgomery HS
7th: Princeton Day School
8th: Bridgewater-Rartain Reg HS
9th: West Morris Mendham HS
10th: Hillsborough HS

Balloon Race

1st: South Hunderdon Reg HS (gr 7-9)
2nd: William R Satz MS
3rd: Pond Road MS
4th: Thomas Grover MS
5th: Roosevelt IS
6th: Community MS
7th: Timberlane MS
8th: Montgomery MS


1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
3rd: Princeton HS
4th: The Lawrenceville School
5th: Montgomery HS
6th: Bridgewater-Raritan HS
7th: West Morris Mendham HS
8th: East Brunswick HS

Bridge Building

1st: Churchill Jr HS
2nd: Community MS
3rd: Roosevelt IS
4th: Thomas Grover MS
5th: Montgomery MS
6th: Edison IS
7th: William R Satz MS
8th: South Hunderdon Reg HS (gr 7-9)

Chemistry Lab

1st: East Brunswick HS
2nd: Piscataway HS
3rd: Princeton HS
4th: The Lawrenceville School
5th: Bridgewater-Raritan HS
6th: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
7th: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
8th: Princeton Day School

Can't Judge a Powder

1st: Community MS
2nd: Thomas Grover MS
3rd: Montgomery MS
4th: Pond Road MS
5th: William R Satz MS
6th: Churchill Jr HS
7th: Roosevelt IS
8th: South Hunderdon Reg HS (gr 7-9)

Designer Genes

1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
2nd: Hillsborough HS
3rd: East Brunswick HS
4th: Hunterdon Central Reg HS
5th: Montgomery HS
6th: Princeton Day School
7th: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
8th: Bridgewater-Raritan HS

Disease Detectives

1st: Community MS
2nd: Thomas Grover MS
3rd: Montgomery MS
4th: South Hunderdon Reg HS (gr 7-9)
5th: Roosevelt IS
6th: Churchill Jr HS
7th: Timberlane MS
8th: William R Satz MS

Disease Detectives

1st: Princeton HS
2nd: East Brunswick HS
3rd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
4th: West Morris Mendham HS
5th: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
6th: Princeton Day School
7th: Hillsborough HS
8th: Montgomery HS

Don't Bug Me

1st: Community MS
2nd: Roosevelt IS
3rd: Pond Road MS
4th: Churchill Jr HS
5th: Montgomery MS
6th: South Hunderdon Reg HS (gr 7-9)
7th: Allentown MS
8th: SciCore Academy

Dynamic Planet

1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
3rd: Princeton Day School
4th: The Lawrenceville School
5th: West Morris Mendham HS
6th: Princeton HS
7th: East Brunswick HS
8th: Montgomery HS

Dynamic Planet

1st: Community MS
2nd: Thomas Grover MS
3rd: Pond Road MS
4th: William R Satz MS
5th: Montgomery MS
6th: Churchill Jr HS
7th: Edison IS
8th: Timberlane MS


1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
2nd: Hunderdon Central Reg HS
3rd: East Brunswick HS
4th: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
5th: Christian Brothers Academy
6th: Montgomery HS
7th: Bridgewater-Raritan HS
8th: Hillsborough HS

Food Science

1st: Community MS
2nd: Montgomery MS
3rd: Edison IS
4th: Roosevelt IS
5th: Churchill Jr HS
6th: Thomas Grover MS
7th: William R Satz MS
8th: SciCore Academy

Fermi Questions

1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
2nd: Montgomery HS
3rd: Princeton HS
4th: East Brunswick HS
5th: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
6th: Princeton Day School
7th: The Lawrenceville School
8th: Hillsborough HS


1st: Roosevelt IS
2nd: Community MS
3rd: South Hunderdon Reg HS (gr 7-9)
4th: Montgomery MS
5th: Thomas Grover MS
6th: Darul Argam
7th: Edison IS
8th: SciCore Academy

Food Science

1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
3rd: Princeton HS
4th: East Brunswick HS
5th: Piscataway HS
6th: Montgomery HS
7th: Bridgewater-Raritan HS
8th: Princeton Day School


1st: William R Satz MS
2nd: Community MS
3rd: Montgomery MS
4th: Churchill Jr HS
5th: Roosevelt IS
6th: Thomas Grover MS
7th: Edison IS
8th: Timberlane MS


1st: The Lawrenceville School
2nd: Montgomery HS
3rd: Hillsborough HS
4th: East Brunswick HS
5th: Princeton HS
6th: SciCore Academy
7th: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
8th: Bridgewater-Raritan HS

Mystery Architecture

1st: William R Satz MS
2nd: Montgomery MS
3rd: Churchill Jr HS
4th: Edison IS
5th: Thomas Grover MS
6th: Roosevelt IS
7th: Allentown MS
8th: Carteret MS

Physics Lab

1st: The Lawrenceville School
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
3rd: West Morris Mendham HS
4th: Princeton HS
5th: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
6th: Piscataway HS
7th: Montgomery HS
8th: East Brunswick HS

Rocks and Minerals

1st: Community MS
2nd: Montgomery MS
3rd: Churchill Jr HS
4th: South Hunderdon Reg HS (gr 7-9)
5th: Pond Road MS
6th: Thomas Grover MS
7th: William R Satz MS
8th: Roosevelt IS

Practical Problem Solving

1st: East Brunswick HS
2nd: The Lawrenceville School
3rd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
4th: Bridgewater-Raritan HS
5th: Princeton Day School
6th: Hillsborough HS
7th: Piscataway HS
8th: Hunterdon Central Reg HS

Science of Fitness

1st: Thomas Grover MS
2nd: Montgomery MS
3rd: Churchill Jr HS
4th: South Hunderdon Reg HS (gr 7-9)
5th: Community MS
6th: Darul Argam
7th: Pond Road MS
8th: Roosevelt IS

Robot Ramble

1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
3rd: The Lawrenceville School
4th: Princeton HS
5th: East Brunswick HS
6th: West Morris Mendham HS
7th: Bridgewater-Raritan HS
8th: Hillsborough HS

Solar System

1st: Montgomery MS
2nd: Community MS
3rd: Roosevelt IS
4th: Timberlane MS
5th: Thomas Grover MS
6th: South Hunderdon Reg HS (gr 7-9)
7th: Pond Road MS
8th: William R Satz MS

Rocks and Minerals

1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
2nd: Montgomery HS
3rd: Princeton HS
4th: West Morris Mendham HS
5th: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
6th: Hillsborough HS
7th: The Lawrenceville School
8th: Bridgewater-Raritan HS

Water Quality

1st: Montgomery MS
2nd: Community MS
3rd: Thomas Grover MS
4th: Pond Road MS
5th: Churchill Jr HS
6th: William R Satz MS
7th: SciCore Academy
8th: Roosevelt IS

Tower Building

1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
2nd: Montgomery HS
3rd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
4th: The Lawrenceville School
5th: East Brunswick HS
6th: Princeton HS
7th: Princeton Day School
8th: Bridgewater-Raritan HS

Wheeled Vehicles

1st: Edison IS
2nd: Thomas Grover MS
3rd: Allentown MS
4th: Community MS
5th: Darul Argam
6th: Timberlane MS
7th: Allentown MS
8th: Churchill Jr HS

Wright Stuff

1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
2nd: East Brunswick HS
3rd: Princeton Day School
4th: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
5th: Princeton HS
6th: The Lawrenceville School
7th: Montgomery HS
8th: SciCore Academy



Wright Stuff (trial event)

1st: Montgomery MS
2nd: Churchill Jr HS
3rd: Community MS
4th: Pond Road MS

Picture This (trial event)

1st: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North
2nd: West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South
3rd: The Lawrenceville School
4th: Princeton Day School
5th: Montgomery HS
6th: East Brunswick HS
7th: Princeton HS
8th: Piscataway HS


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