Aerodynamics |
Each person of a two member team will build one paper
airplane to be flown a distance of at least five meters towards
a predetermined target. |
Barge Buliding |
Each member will construct a barge of aluminum foil that can support
the largest amount of cargo without getting it wet. |
Bottle Music |
A three person team will tune a set of bottles by filling them
too different levels with water and blow across them to play two
different tunes. |
Can Racer |
Each team of two students will construct one can racer before
coming to the Olympiad which will be raced against the clock in
a drag racing format. |
Cool It |
Teams of two students will construct a container from a variety
of provided materials to keep an ice cube from melting. |
Egg Drop |
A two person team will construct a package that will 1) protect
an egg from breaking and 2) hit the target area when dropped free
fall from a high ladder. |
Element, Compound Mixture |
Each participant will classify materials into one of three possible
categories. |
Gunk |
Each student will behave like a chemist or chemical engineer and
produce a product - gunk – with certain characteristics. |
Mystery Powder |
A team of two students will be asked to identify a mixture of
common household powders by conducting a variety of tests |
Pasta Mobile |
Teams of students build a car using only glue and pasta that,
when released from the top of a ramp, will travel the greatest distance
within a 1.5m wide lane before stopping. |
Rubber Band Catapult |
A team of two students will design and construct a device to shoot
a rubber band at a target placed within a given range. |
Straw Tower |
Teams of students build the tallest, strongest tower from straws
and straight pins |