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Science Olympiad, Inc.

12th Annual New Jersey Science Olympiad
Tuesday March 16, 2004
Middlesex County College, Edison, NJ

NJ Triumphant at National Science Olympiad Tournament!

Community Middle School (West Windsor-Plainsboro) captured the silver medals and trophy for a 2nd place ranking out of 54 teams that competed at the NSO tournament held May 22 at Juniata College in Pennsylvania. Montgomery High school ranked 13th place out of 54 teams. Congratulations to students and coaches of both teams for making NJSO proud.

Event Results

Congratulations to all the teams that participated in the 2004 State tournament. A special thanks for dealing with the extraordinary weather conditions. Addtional congratulations to the teams below for their exceptional achievement at the tournament:

Middle School - Division B
1st place   - Community MS, West Windsor-Plainsboro
2nd place  - Montgomery MS, Skillman
3rd place   - Churchill JHS, East Brunswick
4th place   - Thomas R. Grover MS, Princeton
5th place   - Ranney School, Tinton Falls
6th place   - John Witherspoon MS, Princeton
7th place   - William R. Satz MS, Holmdel
8th place   - Medford Memorial MS, Medford
9th place   - Hillsborough MS, Hillsborough
10th place - Mt. Hebron MS, Upper Montclair
High School - Division C
1st place  - Montgomery HS, Skillman
2nd place  - The Lawrenceville School, Lawrenceville
3rd place   - Princeton HS, Princeton
4th place   - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South, Princeton Junction
5th place   - West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North, Plainsboro
6th place   - Livingston HS, Livingston
7th place   - Governor Livingston HS, Berkeley Heights
8th place   - East Brunswick HS, East Brunswick
9th place   - Milburn HS, Millburn
10th place - Princeton Day School, Princeton

Congratulations to the Spirit Award teams that best exemplified the spirit of the Science Olympiad competition:

Spirit Award Trophies:
Medford Memorial MD, Medford
Eastern Camden County Regional HS, Voorhees

NJ Science Olympiad Holds Three Regional Tournaments for 2004

Congratulations to the teacher-coaches and students of all the Science Olympiad teams for all their hard work in competing in the recent regional Science Olympiad tournaments. Thank you to the coordinators at Montclair State University, Raritan Valley Community College, and Salem Community College for their support and cooperation in hosting the tournaments and to everyone who generously donated their time to serve as event supervisors. We extend a special thanks, also, to the members of the NJ Research and Development Council for their assistance with the Northern Regional tournament.

Thank you, also, to our corporate sponsors: The AT&T Foundation, Engelhard Corporation, ExxonMobil Corporation Contributions Group, ExxonMobil Foundation, Hoffman-LaRoche, Infineum USA LP, Kinder Morgan Foundation, The Merck Institute for Science Education, Organon and Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceuticals, Their generous support makes Science Olympiad tournaments possible.

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