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Science Olympiad, Inc.

11th Annual New Jersey Science Olympiad
Tuesday, March 18, 2003
Middlesex County College, Edison, NJ

2003 New Jersey Science Olympiad Winners!

Congratulations to all who participated in New Jersey's 11th Annual Science Olympiad state tournament on March 18th, 2003. The top ten teams in the middle school and high school are:

1st Community MS Montgomery Twp HS
2nd Churchill Jr HS The Lawrenceville School
3rd Montgomery Twp MS Princeton HS
4th John Witherspoon MS West Windsor-Plainsboro South HS
5th Hillsborough MS Livingston HS
6th William R. Satz MS East Brunswick HS
7th Thomas R. Grover MS Freehold HS
8th Upper Freehold Regional HS Eastern Camden Regional HS
9th Voorhees MS Millburn HS
10th Mt. Hebron MS West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS

Congratuations, also, to the many medal winners in the individual Science Olympiad events. Community MS and Montgomery Twp HS will not go on to represent New Jersey at the National Science Olympiad on May 9-10 at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.

NJSTA & NJSELA extend their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all students, teachers, coaches, officials and parent volunteers who helped make the 2003 New Jersey Science Olympiad a success.

A special thank you to Middlesex County College for hosting the event and to our corporate sponsors: The AT&T Foundation, Infineum USA L.P., Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc., Merck Institute for Science Education, Office Max, Ohaus Scale Corporation, Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceuticals, PSE&G, and the Rensselear Club of New Jersey.

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