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Science Olympiad TV

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Science Olympiad, Inc.

New Jersey Science Olympiad Elementary Tournaments

Scotch Plains-Fanwood
Wednesday May 2, 2007
Park Middle School

West Amwell ESC
Thursday March 1, 2007
ESC School, West Amwell, NJ

Scotch Plains-Fanwood Results

1st Place: Elizabeth Haddon School, Haddonfield, NJ
2nd Place: Moorestown Friends School, Moorestown, NJ
3rd Place: Pioneer Academy of Science (tie), Clifton, NJ
3rd Place: Scotch Plains-Fanwood Public Schools (tie), Scotch Plains,NJ


West Amwell Results

1st Place: East Amwell ES, East Amwell, NJ
2nd Place: Lambertville ES, Lambertville, NJ
3rd Place: West Amwell ES, West Amwell, NJ

Elementary Tournament Events

Scotch Plains-Fanwood Tournament
West Amwell ESC School Touranment
Barge Building
Bottle Music
Barge Buliding
Can Race
Bottle Music
Egg Drop
Can Racer
Cool It
Mystery Architecture
Egg Drop
Mystery Powder
Element, Compound, Mixture
Paper Rockets
Mystery Powder
Picture This
Pasta Mobile
Science Jeopardy
Rubber Band Catapult
Write It, Do It (K'nex)

Event Descriptions

Aerodynamics Each person of a two member team will build one paper airplane to be flown a distance of at least five meters toward a predetermined target.
Barge Building Each member will construct a barge of aluminum foil that can support the largest amount of cargo without getting it wet.
Bottle Music A three person team will tune a set of bottles by filling them to different levels with water and blow across them to play two different tunes.
Can Racer Each team of two students will construct one can racer before coming to the Olympiad which will be raced against the clock in a drag racing format.
Cool It Teams of two students will construct a container from a variety of provided materials to keep an ice cube from melting.
Egg Drop A two person team will construct a package that will protect an egg from breaking and hit the target area when dropped free fall from a high ladder.
Element, Compound, Mixture Each participant will classify materials into one of three possible categories.
Gunk Each student will behave like a chemist or chemical engineer and produce a product, gunk, with certain characteristics.
Magnets Students will show their knowledge of how magnets work and identity materials through which magnets can attract.
Mystery Architecture Teams of students build the tallest, most stable tower from materials unknown to them prior to the competition.
Mystery Powder A team of two students will be asked to identify a mixture of common household powders by conducting a variety of tests.
Paper Rockets Students build and fly a paper rocket from materials that are provided.
Pasta Mobile Teams of students build a car using only glue and pasta that, when released from the top of a ramp, will travel the greatest distance within a 1.5m wide lane before stopping.
Picture This This event has teams of 3 students each competing in a contest in which one member draws "clues" for the others to guess a science term or concept.
Rubber Band Catapult A team of two students will design and construct a device to shoot a rubber band at a target placed within a given range.
Science Jeopardy Contestants choose a category and a level of difficulty from the game board and view and listen to an answer to a question. The first team to respond with an appropriate question for the answer will be awarded and will choose the next topic and level.
Structures The event will test students' ability to build a tall, strong, and stable structure from common materials.
Write It - Do It This event tests a competitor's ability to communicate with a colleague.

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